

這裡有位於台中市太平區東平路741巷16號 的世瀅工業股份有限公司 的詳細產品服務介紹與說明。 公司的服務分類是 製造業,金屬製品等 。 歡迎你點閱世瀅工業股份有限公司的資訊!與世瀅工業股份有限公司 相關的資訊僅供參考

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台中市太平區東平路741巷16號 /

週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間

製造業 金屬製品


世瀅工業股份有限公司 | 中經社外銷全球網 | 精選廠商 世瀅工業股份有限公司,台灣, 夾鉗, 扳手, 套筒, 手工具, 五金, 411 台中市太平區東平路715巷16號 ... 世瀅工業股份有限公司致力於夾鉗, 扳手, 套筒, 手工具, 五金等產品及服務。

OULEE PRO | Shih Yeong Industry Corp. | 世瀅工業股份有限公司 OULEE, since 1978, into a reputable one which promises to deliver above your expectations of quality and design. ... No.106, Ln.96, Xinfeng Rd., Caotun Township, Nantou County 54252, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-49-2330728 +886-49-2330739 sales@oulee.com.tw

世瀅工業股份有限公司-518黃頁_企業廣告刊登 - 找批發 How can we make Combination Wrenches, Double Open-End Wrenches and Double Ring Offset Wrenches interesting? We have thought about it fa long time and found that it is ...

世瀅工業股份有限公司/豐造工業(股)公司 標竿專業媒體有限公司出版五金、手工具、汽車維修零配件、廚房衛浴建材等外銷雜誌,並和台灣公協會締結聯盟。 ... 世瀅工業股份有限公司/豐造工業(股)公司 地址︰南投縣54252草屯鎮新豐路96巷106號 負責人︰陳室宇 聯絡人︰陳國隆 總經理

陳室宇×世瀅工業股份有限公司×南投縣草屯鎮新豐里新 負責人:陳室宇·公司名:世瀅工業股份有限公司·統一編號:97576016·公司地址:南投縣草屯鎮新豐里新豐路96巷106號·資本額:25,000,000·公司狀況:核准設立·核准設立日期:1984/4/2

如何才能找到世瀅工業股份有限公司呢?看地圖就知道了!台中市太平區東平路741巷16號 /

How can we make Combination Wrenches, Double Open-End Wrenches and Double Ring Offset Wrenches interesting? We have thought about it fa long time and found that it is not an easy thing to do. Sure, we could tell you that Shih Yeong Industry Corp was founded in 1978 in Taichung, Taiwan and that we specialize in Wrenches of all kinds, including specially tailored designs four customers. But how special is that? We could talk about the quality of our products and how satisfied our worldwide client base is with them, but you would probably say that every supplier says that. We have even thought about mentioning that we have built our own brand, OULEE, since 1998, into a reputable one which promises to deliver above your expectations of quality and design. However, we didn’t want to bore you with that either. Even the fact that we received ISO 9001 approval in 2000 and that all our wrenches conform to ANSI, DIN and JIS standards didn’t really sound exciting enoug