- 智理管理顧問股份有限公司(1515)
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28842616 0
台北市 徐小姐
02-26587729() 02-26598151
台北市內湖區基湖路三巷9號4F-2 /
週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間
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智理管理顧問股份有限公司最新工作職缺 10 筆-2018 2018年5月-智理管理顧問股份有限公司工作職缺有10筆,櫃檯總機秘書,IT Manager,Associate Consultant-Tech Team(竹北),Consultant-Software Team (內湖),Consultant-Tech Team(內湖),Associate Consultant-Tech Team(內湖),Associat
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We are hiring the international minded, passionate and self-driven calibrates to join our company! HL Management Consultants (HL) was established in 2008. We concentrate on identifying and selecting outstanding technical experts, middle to upper management candidates for companies in technology industry in Asia region. We work closely with international scaled companies such as TSMC, Qualcomm, Intel, HP and partner with venture capitals to search the executives for its invested pre- IPO and start-ups through Asia region and US. Beside the executive search services, we provide individual development and career counseling services. We operate our company to the highest ethical standards. “Integrity”, “Professionalism” and “Passion towards people and knowledge” are our core values demonstrating in the interaction with the companies and the candidates. We firmly believe by assisting people to explore their potentials and placing the talents in right platforms le