Jerry's Kitchen

Jerry's Kitchen

這裡有位於 的Jerry's Kitchen 的詳細產品服務介紹與說明。 公司的服務分類是 平價,免服務費,朋友聚會等 。 歡迎你點閱Jerry's Kitchen的資訊!與Jerry's Kitchen 相關的資訊僅供參考

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Jerry's Kitchen Food Truck - American …
Jerry's Kitchen catered our son's Bar Mitzvah. It was a fast pace to keep up with a big crowd (about 150), and they did well. The food was amazing- we chose them for their seitan steak substitute and ... everyone raved about it! We're only disappoint ed there weren't more french fries left over- they were absolutely delicious! ...


無休 11:30~21:10,五六至21:40

平價 免服務費 朋友聚會 巷弄隱密 吃吃喝喝 單點式 情侶約會 下午茶 節日聚會 夜市美食 輕食 早餐 路邊攤 美式餐廳 熱水果茶 起司漢堡 炸雞 漢堡


Jerry's Kitchen Show - YouTube Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations!

Catering Menu - Jerrys Food Truck Jerry's Kitchen was such a hit. We decided on bringing a food truck to the grand opening of our new office and everyone loved every item on the menu. Scott was super responsive and helpful with finalizing the details on such short notice. Service was fast and the ...