Kubor Machinery taiwan Co, Ltd

Kubor Machinery taiwan Co, Ltd

這裡有位於南投市 的Kubor Machinery taiwan Co, Ltd 的詳細產品服務介紹與說明。 公司的服務分類是 機械設備製造修配業等 。 歡迎你點閱Kubor Machinery taiwan Co, Ltd的資訊!與Kubor Machinery taiwan Co, Ltd 相關的資訊僅供參考

0     0

南投縣     Andes Yang

049-2253458()     049-2253692


南投市 /

週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間



Kubor Machinery taiwan Co, Ltd-518黃頁_企業廣告刊 kubor machinery Taiwan co, ltd,. since 1986. we are not manufacturing now. we located in nan-kang Industrial park Nan-Tou Taiwan, the

如何才能找到Kubor Machinery taiwan Co, Ltd呢?看地圖就知道了!南投市 /

kubor machinery Taiwan co, ltd,. since 1986. we are not manufacturing now. we located in nan-kang Industrial park Nan-Tou Taiwan, the the work location is in Taichung our business is used equipment buy and resale . from everywhere in the world. we need an international trade assistant. female under 35 single , must be qualified and at least 5 years work experience in the similiar fields , skilled in the net works. pls send your resume to : kubormachinery@yahoo.com att: Andes Yang or call 0955946250 

used machinery buy and resell. from single machine to whole factory international bidding import and export business. technology transfer in the concerned fields.