

這裡有位於新竹市光復路二段2巷49號3樓 的西盟科技有限公司 的詳細產品服務介紹與說明。 歡迎你點閱西盟科技有限公司的資訊!與西盟科技有限公司 相關的資訊僅供參考

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西盟科技有限公司【新竹市管理顧問業】|董監事,經理人,營業項目登記資料-工商臉書 管理顧問,管理顧問業全國工商登記,管理顧問薪水查詢公司統一編號,核准設立,經濟部中部辦公室,新竹市光復路二段2巷49之1號3樓營業項目,晶片、半導體、晶石、雷射製造機及其設備零件之買賣、按裝、維修、進出口業務。,電子零組件製造業。董監事 ...

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如何才能找到西盟科技有限公司呢?看地圖就知道了!新竹市光復路二段2巷49號3樓 /

Cymer, US base company headquarters in San Diego CA, the world leading supplier of excimer light sources, delivers the deep ultraviolet (DUV) photolithography sources that are essential to today semiconductor marketplace. Known for its highly narrowed bandwidths, higher processing speeds, and reliability, Cymer light sources are key in enabling technology which has allowed the semiconductor industry to meet the exact specifications and manufacturing requirements for volume production of today most advanced semiconductor chips. Designed to be highly reliable and compatible with existing semiconductor manufacturing processes, Cymer light sources enable the required resolution, depth of focus, and critical dimension control required to image semiconductor circuits. Cymer SouthEast Asia Ltd., registered in 1997, has main office at Hsinchu and branch office at Tainan and Linkuo. Our major customers included foundry and DRAM companies in Taiwan.
