

這裡有位於新北市中和區建一路150號16樓 的丹麥商賽睿有限公司(台灣分公司) 的詳細產品服務介紹與說明。 歡迎你點閱丹麥商賽睿有限公司(台灣分公司)的資訊!與丹麥商賽睿有限公司(台灣分公司) 相關的資訊僅供參考

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新北市     詹小姐



新北市中和區建一路150號16樓 /


如何才能找到丹麥商賽睿有限公司呢?看地圖就知道了!新北市中和區建一路150號16樓 /

SteelSeries is a leading manufacturer of peripherals for gaming and electronic sports (eSports), including headsets, keyboards, mice, mouse pads and mouse accessories. SteelSeries have been on the forefront of professional gaming gear since its inception in 2001, thanks to continued innovation and product development in cooperation with leading professional gamers. Our staff is distributed throughout the world, working from offices in Europe, North America and Asia. The SteelSeries headquarters are located in Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark), and host the primary office facilities for the company. The headquarters handle all planning, production and partner coordination. For logistical reasons we also have sales offices in Asia, USA and Switzerland. 本公司目前由於業務發展迅速,故急需徵求人才.期待優秀熱情且能與公司一同成長的你/妳,加入我們卓越超群的團隊。 我們正需要一群戰鬥力強、有高度使命感的夥伴,希望您把握機會儘速與我們聯絡。