- Aaleja印巴料理Taipei(1184)
這裡有位於No6,Alley5,Lane70,YanjiSteet,Taipei 的Aaleja印巴料理Taipei 的詳細產品服務介紹與說明。 歡迎你點閱Aaleja印巴料理Taipei的資訊!與Aaleja印巴料理Taipei 相關的資訊僅供參考!
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No6,Alley5,Lane70,YanjiSteet,Taipei /
愛食網|愛食網|愛食網 Aaleja印巴料理Taipei 台中美食欣閤園 普惠食品企業有限公司 深海深美食全省連鎖總店 水河伯豆花 天野茶業食品有限公司 仁記水煎包專賣 HotMala哈麻辣鴛鴦火鍋專賣精緻吃到
/ Aaleja印巴料理Taipei / Aaleja印巴料理Taipei / No6,Alley5,Lane70,YanjiSteet,Taipei,... 首頁 找美食 食譜 料理 蔬菜 烤肉 小吃 甜點 廚具 炒肉 湯品 肉類 燉肉 主食 菜品 美食 飲品 愛食網 Aaleja印巴料理Taipei 廣告贊助 Aaleja印巴料理Taipei 的聯繫方式 ...
如何才能找到Aaleja印巴料理Taipei呢?看地圖就知道了!No6,Alley5,Lane70,YanjiSteet,Taipei /
We on behalf of Aaleja management welcome you.Aaleja Indian&Pakistani Restaurant is located at heart place of Taipei city. Many Muslims and foreigners for their meetings,functions and get together parties choose Aaleja.The best traditonal Pakistani&Indian Veg &Non-Veg Halal food.(Hala:Food prepared and cooked according to strict Islamic rules prescribed by the Holy Quran) 印度和巴基斯坦料理------印度燒烤----烤餅----甩餅----南北印度咖哩----香料炒飯----各種印度小吃----帕帕餅----印度奶茶----手工甜點----咖哩餃 Aaleja´s menu serves every variety of Indian vegetarian dishes .(Not the same pot with other meat diet ),and the cooker must have Tandoori(Clay Oven),Roti,Naan,Various Southern and Northern Indian Curry ,Biryani,Severral kind of Indian snack(Samosa,Papad......),homemade desserts and Indian milk tea are definitely worth a try.